Konstantin Markelov: “We Train HR, above All, for Regional Needs”

Konstantin Markelov: “We Train HR, above All, for Regional Needs”

The rector of Astrakhan State University has held a press breakfast with journalists of Astrakhan mass media. He told them about the work carried out in 2020, about the university’s achievements, implemented projects and the new format of work under the hard times of the pandemic, about the major outcomes of the year personally for him and a lot more.

Having presented a report on the strategy of Astrakhan State University and its priorities, Konstantin Markelov answered all the journalists’ questions. They were interested, above all, how successful the admission company in the new format was and how the university managed to coordinate its work to ensure each applicants’ fulfilling his/her right and chance for admission. The guests also asked about the difficulties ASU faced in shifting the educational process to the online space and how it benefited from this process.

Along with the topic of the active development of ASU international cooperation, the journalists wanted to know what new technical developments were presented by the university’s scientists this year, since Astrakhan State University is not only an educational institution but also a solid scientific centre.

At the press breakfast, the journalists asked Konstantin Markelov which position seemed to be more interesting for him — the ASU rector of chairman of the Astrakhan government. According to Konstantin Markelov, in a long while, he was happy to get back to his alma mater after his public service. Here, like anywhere, there’re some ins and outs, but there also lots of advantages, and the rector feels very comfortable working with professors and students.

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