ASU Will Upgrade Skills of Gas Customer Support Specialists

ASU Will Upgrade Skills of Gas Customer Support Specialists

A new additional professional programme of advanced training has been developed in accordance with the agreement on cooperation with regional organizations “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Astrakhan” and “Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Astrakhan”.

The course was prepared under the supervision of Acting Deputy Dean for Academic Work, Associate Professor of the ASU Department of Theory & History of State & Law, Candidate of Historical Sciences Natalia Drygina.

The programme is aimed at improving the competence of records management organization and paperwork technology, mastering the skills of acceptance and primary handling of documents, getting knowledge, skills and competencies of efficient communication in conflicts.

Having completed the course, the attendees will know how to draw up documents in compliance with the legal framework and with the use of IT and office equipment, how to use unified documentation systems, receive, handle and register incoming correspondence and keep documents. Besides, they will master the skills of drawing up managerial documents and the basic notions of records management.

The programme will be implemented with the use of e-learning technologies. The first group of attendees is starting their studies in January 2021.

Department of Continuing Education