Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on Russian Students Day to ASU

Rector Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on Russian Students Day to ASU

Dear students, professors and administrative staff of Astrakhan State University! Please accept my sincere greetings on the main student holiday which traces its roots from the date of the Moscow University foundation.

Tatiana Day seems to be one of the holidays both students and their mentors love most of all. In Ancient Russia, all age and class distinctions were eliminated on this day, ranks and titles fell into desuetude, the rich and poor became equal. Everyone felt they were students — both current and former.

This is the very studentship that forms the first experience, lays a foundation for a future career, allows to make acquaintances and opens new prospects. This is one of the most cheerful and vivid periods of life and, at the same time, one of the most responsible ones.

Astrakhan State University has been opening a broad path to success to its students for almost one hundred years, and it remains alma mater for many generations of honoured professionals of their craft.

Now, as it has always been, the university keeps providing the students with all opportunities for mastering the most relevant knowledge and self-fulfillment. Cooperation with foreign partners, partnership with the largest enterprises of the region, scientific, social and creative projects of ASU allow it to remain one of the most attractive HEIs not only of our region but also of the whole country for getting decent education. I am happy that new generations of young people choose Astrakhan State University every year and, of course, we will hold a high bar we’ve achieved.

Dear students! I wish you more vivid moments in life, luck and inspiration in fulfilling your plans, a common ground with your family and friends and success in everything! May your exams be easy, have a nice holiday!

Konstantin Markelov,

Rector of Astrakhan State University