Konstantin Markelov Shares Experience of Using AI in ASU Activities

Konstantin Markelov Shares Experience of Using AI in ASU Activities

A videoconference meeting of the Council of University Rectors of Southern Russia was held on February, 4. University chiefs of the Sothern and North Caucasus Federal Districts discussed the functioning of internet service “University Admission Online”, the action plan, timed to the Year of Science & Technology, and the potential and prospects of the university networking.

At the meeting, ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov told his colleagues about the experience of Astrakhan State University in introducing AI technologies.

The list of initiatives, put forward by the Artificial Intelligence Project Office, which has been functioning at ASU since 2020, includes:

  • a FAQ chatbot assistant for the admission campaign;
  • a computer-vision system for searching for photos in the Student Media Centre’s reports;
  • a computer-vision system for assessing emotional involvement into the educational process;
  • a chatbot assistant for the university’s students and other up-to-date developments.

To exchange the existing practices, Konstantin Markelov invited all the members of the Council to join seminar AI Potential in University’s Activities to be held this April and suggested that the Southern Federal University would be a co-organizer of the event.

The rector also proposed to add scientific forum Caspian Region in the 21st Century: Ways of Sustainable Development, planned to be held in May 2021 at Astrakhan State University and supported by UNESCO, into the Council’s action plan.

Besides, the rectors discussed models of Ph.D. candidates’ career strategies and the role of universities in developing inclusive education and favouring employment of the youth with disabilities and health limitations in the macroregion.

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