Head of ASU Department of Theory & History of Journalism Is Awarded by Governor

Head of ASU Department of Theory & History of Journalism Is Awarded by Governor

February 12, Igor Babushkin congratulated representatives of the regional press media on the Day of Media Professionals of Astrakhan region. The head of the region thanked the journalists for their dedicated work and unbiased coverage of events, awarding them with certificates of merit and letters of gratitude.

A certificate of merit was also awarded to Head of the Department of Theory & History of Journalism of Astrakhan State University, Associate Professor and Candidate of Philological Sciences Galina Belolipskaya.

Galina Belolipskaya has been working for ASU since 1996. She took direct part in the establishment of the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Philology, and in 2006 she founded the Department of Theory & History of Journalism which still remains the only State-run centre of journalism education in the region.

The ASU journalism graduates are chiefs of Astrakhan periodicals, media holding companies and press services of large organizations and public agencies.

Galina Belolipskaya engages in media education of the youth quite actively. She gives lectures and practical classes in subjects, connected with the fundamentals of journalism and production of modern media products.

Thanks to the efforts of the department, the ASU journalism students take part in organization and media coverage of major events every year, including the Caspian Media Forum and the International Literature Festival for Children and Youth.

Galina Belolipskaya has been a member of the Russian Union of Journalists for more than 20 years, a member of the Academic and Methodological Council of University Professors of the Southern Federal District since 2003 and a member of the regional branch office of the Interethnic Journalism Guild since 2017.

Directorate of Information Policy & Public Relations

Photo: Directorate of Press Service & Information of Astrakhan Governor Administration,

courtesy of Galina Belolipskaya