ASU Students Get to Know How to Take a Test on Presidential Platform

ASU Students Get to Know How to Take a Test on Presidential Platform

On February 17, students of Astrakhan State University met with representatives of autonomous non-profit organization “Russia — Country of Opportunities”. The meeting was dedicated to the issue of taking a test that determines the level of cognitive skills of students of different majors and study years.

Head of the Analytical Unit of the Methodology & Evaluation Department Ekaterina Stepashkina was a speaker of the event. She told the students in detail that the department carried out approbatory studies on new diagnostic instruments that ensure comprehensive evaluation of the potential of students’ intellectual abilities, necessary for their future success.

Besides, the event participants got instructions on how to register on the platform of non-profit organization “Russia — Country of Opportunities” and take the test. At the end of the meeting, the students asked their questions of concern.

Upon completion of the test, each participant will receive an individual report. The event speakers would not exclude the possibility of holding a second meeting online to elaborate the results of students’ testing.

Department of Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support