ASU Tells Schoolchildren about Their Prospects

ASU Tells Schoolchildren about Their Prospects

Members of the Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission and teachers of the College of Astrakhan State University have participated in career-guidance event “Finding the Future”, held by the chief librarian of the Secondary Comprehensive School No.64.

Attending the event, 9-11th-grade schoolchildren learned about the college admission rules for the new academic year, admission conditions and requirements to the level of school leavers’ education. ASU College teacher Oksana Udalova dwelled on professional activities of veterinary specialists, training places and graduates’ employment prospects.

The information aroused great interest among the schoolchildren. They asked relevant questions about the admission for other majors, offered by the college. Besides, the schoolchildren participated in a questionnaire on their plans to enter vocational programmes.

Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission