Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on March 8 to ASU Women

Konstantin Markelov Sends His Greetings on March 8 to ASU Women

Dear ladies — female students, professors and employees of Astrakhan State University! On behalf of all the men of our university and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on International Women's Day!

It is difficult to imagine what our planet would be like without women’s wisdom, beauty, sensitivity, kindness. You play an exceptional role in the fate of every person and fill life with inspiration and harmony! Whatever goals we men set for ourselves, one of them is to see a high appraisal in your eyes. Undoubtedly, without this incentive the world would not have known many great victories and achievements!

A significant part of the ASU staff are women. You successfully complete labor tasks, conduct educational activities, implement research projects, fulfil your potential in creativity, sports and socially significant activities. By exercising your mastery, tact and composure, you get professionally recognized and have deserved authority with your colleagues.

May your charm not fade away in everyday life, and may this spring bring a lot of happiness, success and good news!

Happy International Women's Day!

Rector of Astrakhan State University

Konstantin Markelov