Konstantin Markelov Moves Up and Ranks 7th in Davydov.Index Ranking

Konstantin Markelov Moves Up and Ranks 7th in Davydov.Index Ranking

The solid expert network has published the list of top-50 rectors of Russian universities mentioned most of all in the media in February 2021.

Compared with the indices of 2020, when the rector of ASU entered the ranking for the first time, his positions have significantly strengthened: if last September he ranked 20th, in December he reached the 12th place, and since January 2021 he’s confidently held the ground in the top-10.

Konstantin Markelov remains the only chief of Astrakhan HEI who enters the Davydov.Index ranking every month.

According to the expert network, the rector of Astrakhan State University was mentioned in the media 37 times in February 2021.

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