UNESCO Chair of ASU Co-Organized Women’s Online Congress

UNESCO Chair of ASU Co-Organized Women’s Online Congress

The international event was dedicated to the topic “The Women’s Image in the Era of Digitalization. Social Policy, Science & Practice”.

The 6th International Women’s Online Congress was organized by:

  • Public Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Non-profit partnership “Academy of Imageology”;
  • Francisk Skorina Gomel State University;
  • UNESCO Chair “The Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” of Astrakhan State University;
  • Slavic Association of Ontopsychology;
  • Guild of Marketing Professionals.

The image of an efficient leader, a relevant design of the image of a modern woman, reasons for the need to develop a system of flexible skills, business problems solution in the digital world — these and other issues built the basis for discussion at the international congress.

Irina Tarasova, Head of the Department “UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” of ASU, participated in the event presenting a report and acting as a co-chair of section “Women in Situation of High Uncertainty in Modern Society. Pandemic and Women’s Image in Digital World”.

Department “UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development”