Konstantin Markelov Presents Geostrategic Potential of Astrakhan Region to His Colleagues

Konstantin Markelov Presents Geostrategic Potential of Astrakhan Region to His Colleagues

The rector of Astrakhan State University is participating in forum “Universities and Development of Geostrategic Territories of Russia”, being held at North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk.

The event is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences and Government of Yakutia. This significant and large-scale event is the driver of the Year of Science and Technology in Russia.

Konstantin Markelov presented his report “Astrakhan Region as Geostrategic Territory of Russia in the Caspian Region” within the framework of the plenary discussion “Sustainable Development of Geostrategic Territories of Russia: Initiatives and Projects to Achieve National Goals”.

The rector of ASU reminded the audience that Astrakhan region has always been an important geopolitical point on the national map since the times of Peter the Great. Creation of a Russian platform to kick a technological and innovative start in the Caspian macroregion will strengthen Russia’s positions through intensifying scientific, technological and educational processes.

The rector supported the opinion of his colleagues from other geostrategically significant regions of the country and urged the heads of universities to unite in scientific and educational consortia — this will allow to gain not only competitive but also direct support from the federal centre.

On the sidelines of the forum, Konstantin Markelov met with President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksandr Sergeev, who supported ASU projects and the regional universities’ consortium. The president of the Russian Academy of Sciences also promised to support the planned international forum on the Caspian issues, which is going to be held this May in Astrakhan.

Directorate of Information Policy & Public Relations

Photo: courtesy of Konstantin Markelov