ASU Hosts International Scientific and Applied Conference on Underwater Robotics

ASU Hosts International Scientific and Applied Conference on Underwater Robotics

International scientific and applied conference “Experience and Prospects for Using Unmanned Submersibles” has opened at the ASU Boiling Point Centre. Online and offline speakers shared new developments in technical and engineering education.

The conference was opened by Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov. In his welcoming speech, he noted how important it is to use remotely controlled and autonomous systems in the marine environment. The Caspian and Astrakhan regions need new ideas and developments in this area.

Aleksey Titov, ASU Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovation & Priority Projects, made a report at the plenary session. He presented the new technical developments of the university to the audience and thanked the organizers of the Russian Submersible Robots Cup.

The conference participants discussed such issues of the robotics development as educational underwater robotics in Russia and in the world, development of underwater vehicles in the model of project training for students in the framework of the CDIO concept, and development of children’s underwater robotics in Astrakhan region.

Aleksey Rybakov, Director of the ASU Institute Physics & Mathematics, told his colleagues about the work with students and their developments, and shared some archival photographs.

The conference participants continued to work in sections, where they discussed topical issues of robotics.

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