ASU Presidential Programme Opens up New Horizons for Professional Development

ASU Presidential Programme Opens up New Horizons for Professional Development

Managing Director of the Astrakhan Regional Centre of Pochta Bank Nikolay Ignatiev talks about how to make the brain work differently and become a trainer at the presidential programme.

In order to successfully conduct business in the modern world, which is unstable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, a manager needs to learn not only to quickly respond to obvious changes in the external environment, but also to initiate response changes in the organization. A timely and effective solution in this situation will be continuous education, acquisition of metaskills, application of one’s own experience and knowledge in a completely new professional environment.

Such an interesting and highly productive zigzag in his career happened with Nikolay Ignatiev, who, having graduated from the ASU presidential programme, began to teach himself and share his experience with colleagues. At his classes, he talks about how a modern manager can master creative technologies, learn to work in an innovative environment and create effective teams that are motivated for success and results.

If you are also ready to become «agents of change» and develop managerial competencies, we invite you to apply for the competitive selection of specialists for training within the framework of the State Plan for the Training of Managers for National Economy Organizations of Russia.

Document submission is opened until May, 21. To get information about the programme and study conditions, please contact Astrakhan State University (office 116, 20a Tatishchev st., tel.: 8 (8512) 24-64-41).

Sector of Management Consulting