ASU Students Win School of Debates 2.0 Project

ASU Students Win School of Debates 2.0 Project

The teams showed the skills they had gained over several months to defend their point of view and participate in the debate at the Astrakhan Regional Duma, and the jury members chose the best.

The School of Debate 2.0 project is aimed at teaching the art of words to the Astrakhan youth aged 17 to 25. It involved university and college students and schoolchildren. The school was organized by the Astrakhan regional youth social movement “Youth of the Governorate” under support of Astrakhan State University and the Astrakhan 24 TV Channel.

The project consisted of theoretical and practical stages. At the educational lectures, given by leading speakers of Astrakhan, the children learned about the stages of preparation for information coverage of large-scale events, the importance of non-verbal signs in public speeches, and also got acquainted with the specificity of political debates. After the theory, as expected, the practical part began: the students and schoolchildren demonstrated their knowledge in speeches. Their performance was assessed by scientists, politicians and representatives of large organizations of Astrakhan.

All good things come to an end sooner or later, so did the School of Debate 2.0. Four teams met in the Grand Hall of the Astrakhan Regional Duma to find out who was the best.

The most relevant topics were selected for discussion. The students spoke out for and against vaccination against the coronavirus infection and discussed whether dropout existence is possible for human.

Upon results of the final debates, the jury members chose the best speakers of the project — the Candidates team of the Law Faculty of Astrakhan State University was recognized as the winner.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations