More Than 50 Representatives of ASU Will Get Acquainted With Activities of World’s Leading Universities

More Than 50 Representatives of ASU Will Get Acquainted With Activities of World’s Leading Universities

Astrakhan State University has organized its employees’ participation in international online traineeship “University 4.0. Digital Transformation of Universities” which has started today and will last until April, 23.

Participants of the large-scale traineeship will get acquainted with the activities of world’s leading universities like Swinburne University of Technology (Australia), Hamburg Technical University (Germany), Portsmouth University (UK), Dublin City University (Ireland) and others.

The programme also covers social, technological and educational trends that influence the formation of University 4.0, processes of digital transformation of the university, the basics of designing curricula, educational programmes and technologies in the 4.0 model, digital tools, learning design and types of formative assessment for mixed and online training in higher education and continuing education for adults.

At the first online meeting, three groups of participants representing the ASU Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture studied the features of using academic programmes and research outcomes to support the 4.0 global development at Swinburne University of Technology.

Caspian Higher Engineering School

Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture