ASU Takes Part in Cosmonautics Day Campaign

ASU Takes Part in Cosmonautics Day Campaign

On April 7-12, the North-Caucasus Federal University is holding a series of events “Journey to the Universe. We Remember, We Are Proud, We Continue the Traditions” at the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies (named after Prof. Nikolay Chervyakov).

The campaign is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first manned flight into space and is aimed at cultivating the feelings of empathy, mutual assistance and support for veterans in students, as well as respect for the traditions and historical heritage of Russia.

Students and staff members of the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity of Astrakhan State University are taking an active part in the events.

The organizers developed an eventful programme: the guests were shown archival films about the conquest of space and rocket production, the documentary cartoon restoration of Y. A. Gagarin’s flight “Off we go!”, information campaigns “Firing Proton-M Launch System” and “Women in Space”. In addition, the participants attended an online round table, lectures and quizzes and met those who saw firsthand the first flight.

“Our students got especially interested in videos about space flights and bases. The fact is that some of the films shown to them were from a special archive, ” said Iskandar Azhmukhamedov, Dean of the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations