ASU Students Are Helped to Identify Professional Aptitudes and Talents

ASU Students Are Helped to Identify Professional Aptitudes and Talents

The Boiling Point Centre of Astrakhan State University has held an HR event “Self-Conception and Successful Career”, attended by the 1st and 2nd year students.

Upon the request of ASU students, the Attestatus educational centre carried out professional diagnostics aimed at identifying the aptitudes and talents, values ​​and interests of the future specialists.

Within the framework of the meeting, Attestatus vocational-guidance psychologist Yulia Portnova interpreted the online test results and answered all the students’ questions of interest.

Nuria Zinalieva, Head of the ASU Centre of Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support, noted that professional development is one of the main tasks of a successful educational process.

We hope that the results obtained during the online test will help the students assess their aptitudes and lead specialists-to-be to the right choice.

Centre of Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support