ASU Rector Supports Tasks Set in President’s Message to Federal Assembly

ASU Rector Supports Tasks Set in President’s Message to Federal Assembly

Today, Russian President Vladimir Putin has read out a message to the Federal Assembly. The Head of State particularly dwelled on the development of education and science and support for the youth.

Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov comments:

— The president made a special emphasis on providing opportunities for our youth. In this regard, the number of budget-funded places in universities will be increased, mainly in the regions, which will increase young people’s chances of getting quality education.

Important points were marked out about the development of student tourism. The president proposes to launch a project on providing those students who travel around the country with an opportunity to stay in campuses of other universities. Special support for children who have shown themselves in contests and competitions. There are many talented people among our students, and the opportunity to travel around the country with free accommodation and a refund of travel costs is relevant for them.

Our region is developing a project on creating an interuniversity scientific and educational complex — this is a university campus with educational buildings, laboratories, a research block and a residential area. The plans include an idea of ​​attracting young people from other regions, which coincides with the initiatives voiced in the message.

Vladimir Putin especially dwelled on patriotic education of the youth. He noted that the fate and victories of our outstanding ancestors and contemporaries should be the benchmark for new generations. We cannot but agree with this. Astrakhan State University has recently initiated collaboration with the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow. Cooperation is aimed at educating students — it is planned to organize visits to the cultural and educational centre; in their turn, young people will prepare projects to enrich the museum with information about the heroes of Astrakhan.

The tasks set in the message are relevant for the university and very important, and we will work on their implementation.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations