Astrakhan State University Will Award In-House Prizes

Astrakhan State University Will Award In-House Prizes

It is planned to award ASU scientists for scientific achievements annually on the day of the university’s foundation. The first laureates will be chosen on the eve of the 90th anniversary of ASU.

The draft provisions on the procedure for awarding prizes for scientific achievements were discussed on Monday at a meeting of the Academic Council. According to President of Astrakhan State University Aleksandr Lunev, the experience of leading Russian universities was taken as a basis for the initiative.

The prizes are planned to be awarded for works containing significant scientific results, both theoretical and applied, which were not previously acknowledged with the State Prize of the Russian Federation and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation. Topic-specific scientific monographs, series of articles, as well as other scientific publications prepared by one author and a team of authors and published over the past 10 years, can be nominated for the prizes. The number of the principal co-authors of a series of works nominated for the prize should not exceed five people.

The criteria for evaluating the submitted materials will be their relevance, novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

In addition to the awards for scientific achievements, the provisions stipulate the possibility of personal awards in the university’s main activities. In particular, it is proposed to establish a Professor G.G. Glinin award for organizational achievements in the field of science (creation of doctoral councils, organization of international conferences, establishment and development of structural divisions, work to improve the ASU reputation, remarkable development of the university in general).

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