Astrakhan State University Discusses Implementation of Modeus System

Astrakhan State University Discusses Implementation of Modeus System

A working meeting with a discussion on possibilities of a platform solution for the technological transition to an individualized model of higher education has been held within the framework of the activities of the Consortium of Educational Institutions of Higher Education & Scientific Organizations of Astrakhan Region.

The meeting was chaired by ASU Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovation & Priority Projects Aleksey Titov. The event was held online and offline, involving federal universities of our country.

Modeus is an information system that is part of an individual educational trajectory, allowing students to choose courses and areas of study on their own. Recently, the project, developed by CUSTIS company, is being implemented in Russian universities. As the developers note, such a system has been functioning in the West for a long time, while in Russia the adaptation period is still under way.

According to the platform developers, in the modern world, it is important that the student him-/herself takes the central place in the educational process. For example, if an applicant chose a programme when entering the university but after two or three years of study he/she realized that this was not his/her occupation, then, according to Modeus ideas, the student can change it to a more suitable one without obstacles.

The speakers noted that the advantage of the new model is the ability to select several electives per semester that are of interest to a particular student. The skills acquired in the course of studying additional subjects will increase the chance of further successful employment, which, in its turn, will help the university to become more competitive.

The meeting participants actively discussed issues related to the use of the platform in Astrakhan HEIs.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations