ASU Joins Online Conference on PICASP Project

ASU Joins Online Conference on PICASP Project

Participants discussed the topic of educational courses for the formation of a new generation of HR in the Caspian region in various institutions and potential stakeholders that can be involved.

Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​Nadezhda Emelyanova, Director of the Training Centre of Restaurant Service & Hospitality Vladimir Palatkin and member of the Department UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development Gulnara Pavlova took part in the meeting on behalf of Astrakhan State University.

The coordinator of the PICASP project within the European Erasmus + programme is the D'Annunzio University of Chieti—Pescara, Italy. The conference programme included speeches by representatives of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia. The project participants from the European side are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, University of Warsaw, Poland, and SERINAR organization, Italy.

The participants of the event listened to a report on the current project activities. In addition, the coordinators conducted a review of best practices of enterprise practitioners and university collaborations. The videoconference also resulted in drawing up a strategic work plan within the framework of the PICASP project.

Department UNESCO Chair:

Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development