NEFU and ASU Sign Cooperation Agreement on the Sidelines of 2021 Caspian Forum

NEFU and ASU Sign Cooperation Agreement on the Sidelines of 2021 Caspian Forum

The parties are going to develop amicable relations and joint work in educational, scientific, technical, innovation and research activities.

The cooperation agreement was signed between the North-Eastern Federal University and Astrakhan State University within international scientific forum “Caspian Region 2021: Sustainable Development Trajectories”, being held in Astrakhan. The heads of the universities — Anatoly Nikolaev and Konstantin Markelov — took part in the ceremony.

According to the head of the North-Eastern Federal University, another advantage of the new cooperation is the expansion of opportunities during the period of COVID lockdown.

“Astrakhan State University is proud of having a new strategic partner — M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. I believe that the signed agreement will expand cooperation between ASU and NEFU and deepen amicable relations and mutual ties in the areas of educational, scientific, technological, innovative and research activities of the universities. I am convinced that in the very near future, we will start implementing specific measures aimed at developing the innovative potential of our universities,” summed up ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov.

Source: materials of the press service of the North-Eastern Federal University

Photo: Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations