ASU Discusses Big Challenges for Caspian Macroregion

ASU Discusses Big Challenges for Caspian Macroregion

Astrakhan State University has become a platform for holding panel discussion “Caspian Region 2021: Sustainable Development Trajectories”, which took place within the framework of the international forum under the same name. Experts at the federal and regional level considered topical issues of education, science and economy.

Participants of panel discussion «Caspian Region 2021: Sustainable Development Trajectories» discussed big challenges for the Caspian macroregion in education, science, and economy.

Deputy Chair of the Astrakhan Government Dmitry Ovchinnikov drew attention to the fact that in order to achieve the country’s development goals, it is necessary to create points of growth, progress and support for Russia in very important strategic areas of the country’s development. Dmitry Ovchinnikov also shared plans for the construction of an interuniversity student campus and the creation of a scientific and educational cluster in the region.

The rector of Astrakhan State University continued the topic set by the deputy chair of the Astrakhan government and also noted the particular importance of the region for Russia.

According to the ASU rector, now it is important to create a scientific basis for academic mobility of students and professors from different countries, so that they get comfortable conditions not only for life but also for scientific work and research, which will contribute to increasing the scientific potential of the Caspian Region.

In his speech, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksandr Sergeev emphasized the necessary relationship between science, education and business. The academician also noted the importance of training highly qualified specialists in various fields, taking into account the specificity of the region.

All experts agreed on the importance of Astrakhan Region as a priority geostrategic territory of Russia for building a dialogue with the Caspian countries to accelerate economic growth and innovative development of the entire Caspian macroregion.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations