2021 Caspian Forum Brings Together Leading Experts in Innovative Shipbuilding

2021 Caspian Forum Brings Together Leading Experts in Innovative Shipbuilding

On May 27, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan State Technical University and the LUKOIL Corporate Training Center jointly held a discussion on the development of the resources of the World Ocean, commercialization of scientific developments and technological partnerships, implementation of relevant educational technologies and the training of specialists of the future.

More than 150 scientists, experts in the maritime industry and chiefs of sector-specific centers took part in the discussion both offline and online.

Participants of round table “Marine facilities, shipbuilding and technologies for the development of the resources of the World Ocean” focused on the issues of the development of domestic civil shipbuilding, legislative regulation of the navigation of autonomous ships, technological requests of universities and companies developing remote-controlled and autonomous underwater vehicles, legislative initiatives, prospects for the development of the marine Internet of Things.

The participants decided to support the creation of “leading units” at universities and research institutes — engineering centers, specialized competence centers, start-up studios, corporate base departments — which will ensure their dynamic and sustainable development, being in interaction with leading Russian and foreign research and innovation centers and national champions. In addition, the participants recognized the need to continue the practice of creating spin-off companies of universities to use the existing mechanisms for the development of project activities, including the possibility of attracting financial resources with the help of development institutions like Skolkovo, the Innovation Promotion Foundation and many others.

Engineering Project Office