ASU Rector Takes Part in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

ASU Rector Takes Part in St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Konstantin Markelov has opened the Rector’s Hour, which is part of the SPIEF, where the audience discussed important issues of modern science and education and touched upon the topic of youth policy.

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is a unique event in the world of economy and business. It has been held since 1997, and since 2006 it has been held under the patronage and with the participation of the Russian president.

During the Rector’s Hour, Konstantin Markelov talked to Evgeny Szhenov, Scientific Director of expert and analytical center “Scientific and Educational Policy”. The colleagues discussed the student campus organization, support for young scientists of the university and the participation of Astrakhan State University in the projects of the Federal Youth Agency and autonomous non-profit organization “Russia — Country of Opportunities”.

Recently, the ASU rector spoke at a meeting of the Committee for Science, Education and Culture of the Federation Council with an initiative to create an interuniversity student campus in the region. Its main goal will be to create a multifunctional communication space for students.

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