ASU Scientists Determine Methods to Prevent Digital Risks for Mental Development of Children

ASU Scientists Determine Methods to Prevent Digital Risks for Mental Development of Children

Astrakhan State University has taken part in international forum “Child in a Digital World”. The event was dedicated to the development of young children and adolescents in the context of the transformation of childhood caused by the digitalization of modern society.

Forum “Child in a Digital World” is intended to bring together scientists, educators, practicing experts and students from around the world upon the initiative of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as with the support of the International Union of Psychological Science (UPsyS), the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) and the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.

Astrakhan State University was represented at the forum by heads of departments, professors, assistants of the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture.

The discussion participants considered the issues of interaction of children with rapidly developing digital technologies, the features of communication, play and educational activities in the context of the digitalization of society and the prevention of digital risks for mental development. These topics are more relevant than ever in our time, since the digital world forms the consciousness of a child, builds the structure of his/her values ​​and behavior.

Department UNESCO Chair:

Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development