Konstantin Markelov: “UNESCO Chairs Contribute to the Country’s Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”

Konstantin Markelov: “UNESCO Chairs Contribute to the Country’s Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”

The rector of Astrakhan State University has welcomed the participants of international scientific conference “Current Issues of Global Research: Global Development and Limits of Growth in the 21st Century”.

The event is taking place on June 15-18 at the Faculty of Global Processes of Lomonosov Moscow State University with the participation of representatives of the International Academy for Global Studies, Club of Rome, World Academy of Arts and Science, UNESCO and Society for Global Research.

In his video message to the organizers and participants of the conference, Konstantin Markelov noted that the topic chosen for discussion is undoubtedly relevant for today, because large-scale research is needed in order to solve global problems.

Konstantin Markelov recalled that forum “Caspian Region 2021: Sustainable Development Trajectories” was recently held at Astrakhan State University. The event attracted a lot of attention to the large-scale problems of the Caspian region and became one of the authoritative platforms for discussing the issues of strengthening Russia’s positions in the Caspian region.

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