ASU Scientists Traditionally Honour the Memory of Ex-Rector Valery Pyatin With Scientific Event

ASU Scientists Traditionally Honour the Memory of Ex-Rector Valery Pyatin With Scientific Event

The 6th international scientific and applied conference “Pedagogical Science and Education in Dialogue with Time” has been held at the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture of Astrakhan State University.

The event, organized by the Department of Pedagogy and Continuing Professional Education, is the students’ tribute to Valery Pyatin, an ex-rector, head of the department, teacher and just an interesting person. The purpose of the annual meeting of scientists is to generalize and disseminate pedagogical experience in the field of organizing the educational process in various educational institutions.

This year’s conference was no exception. Schoolteachers, educators of vocational institutions and university professors shared their best practices in the field of education.

At the same time, most of the reports were made by young researchers — Bachelor and Master’s degree students and Ph.D. candidates.

In addition, discussion platform “Education in the Era of Global Transformations: a New Look” was held within the framework of the conference; the discussion participants identified problems and current trends and shared their experience.

Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture