ASU Enters the List of Universities Providing High-Quality Legal Education

ASU Enters the List of Universities Providing High-Quality Legal Education

The Association of Lawyers of Russia has published a list of higher educational institutions the educational programmes of which passed the public certification procedure.

According to Chairman of the Board of the Expert Center of the Association of Lawyers of Russia and Deputy Chairman of the Association’s Board Zhunus Dzhakupov, the public certification made it possible to improve the overall quality of legal education.

The Law Faculty of Astrakhan State University passed professional and public certification in programmes 40.04.01 “Jurisprudence (Master’s degree)” and 40.03.01 “Jurisprudence (Bachelor's degree)”. The respective certificates were handed by Chairman of the Association of Lawyers of Russia Sergey Stepashin to ASU Law Faculty Dean Elena Savelieva.

Commenting on this significant event, Elena Savelieva noted that it had been the second time the ASU Law Faculty passed this type of certification. In addition, according to the dean of the ASU Law Faculty, the expert evaluation enables prospective students to choose a really high-quality education, and the graduates — to find jobs and get privileges from their employers.

Law Faculty

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