Scientists of ASU and MSU Are Close to Deciphering the Tubulin Code

Scientists of ASU and MSU Are Close to Deciphering the Tubulin Code

The results of their research have been published in a highly rated journal — Developmental Cell. The international team includes Ilya Kovalenko, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory for Modeling Ecosystems and Bioinformatics of the Institute of Physics & Mathematics of Astrakhan State University.

Analysis of the data presented in the article covers new views on the control of the assembly and disassembly of the protein skeleton of cells using flexible, highly charged polypeptides at the ends of parts of tubulin microtubules.

The researchers carried out molecular dynamics calculations that showed for the first time that the flexible tails of α-tubulin can directly influence the assembly rate of microtubules. This was experimentally confirmed by the U.S. members of the scientific team.

The data obtained provide insight into the mechanisms of changes in the movement of microtubules, encrypted by the tubulin code. Understanding the fine regulation of the properties of microtubules will help to study cancers, nervous system diseases and developmental disorders that are associated with abnormality of the dynamic properties of microtubules.

Use the link to see the full text of the article:

Institute of Physics & Mathematics