AI ??& Data Problem from Astrakhan State University Passes to the Second Stage of International Competition

AI ??& Data Problem from Astrakhan State University Passes to the Second Stage of International Competition

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives is holding a large-scale competition to solve social and economic problems using AI & Data technologies. This year, participants are developing new projects using artificial intelligence technologies and data analysis. The only selected problem from Astrakhan Region was the one presented by ASU.

The World AI & Data Challenge has been held for several years and consists of three stages:

  • stating problems by regions, universities and communities;
  • solving problems by IT and Data specialists;
  • introduction of problem solutions.

So, from April 1 to May 30, problems were collected from regions and organizations, then these problems were peer-reviewed and ranked. Astrakhan State University presented problem "Development of an Intelligent Information System for Preparing a Text Summary Based on Audio/Video Data”, which successfully passed acceleration and ranked 9th in the final list of 67 tasks that were selected for the competition. At the next stage of the competition, which will be held in a hackathon format, teams will be able to choose the problem they like and propose a solution.

According to the current schedule, participants from Astrakhan Region can join the problem-solving on August, 30–31. Organizational issues are dealt with by the Boiling Point Center of ASU.

Registration link:

Artificial Intelligence Project Office