Leading Scientists Will Give Lectures For ASU Students within Campaign “At the Forefront of Science”

Leading Scientists Will Give Lectures For ASU Students within Campaign “At the Forefront of Science”

The all-Russia educational event has started in 2021 as part of the Year of Science and Technology. The initiator and organizer is the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Council for Science and Education under the President of the Russian Federation with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Education of Russia.

The campaign is being held to acquaint students and schoolchildren with the role of science in the modern world, the results of advanced research in the areas like ecology and climate, security, power industry of the future, genetics, new technologies, and human-society interaction. In addition, the event is meant to form an understanding of the profession of a modern researcher among students.

Four projects will be implemented within the framework of the campaign. They include lectures by leading Russian scientists dedicated to the topics of the months of the Year of Science and Technology (in offline and online formats), excursions to scientific laboratories and organizations, as well as implementation of projects “Scientists to Schools” and “Wings of Good”.

You can get acquainted with the schedule of lectures and excursions for the next month and sign up for a lecture or a visit to the laboratory on the official website of the campaign.

Please inform about your participation in the all-Russia event by email:

Center of Youth Project Activities Promotion & Support