ASU Considers Entrepreneurial Activities within Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme

ASU Considers Entrepreneurial Activities within Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Programme

The Astrakhan Chamber of Commerce and Industry has hosted a roundtable, dedicated to HR issues of small and mid-sized businesses. Head of the Department of International Law of Astrakhan State University Tatyana Goverdovskaya and Associate Professor of the Department of English Language for Economics Daniil Osipov made a report on the implementation of legal norms of commercial and corporate law in the field of entrepreneurship in Russia.

The meeting was held within the framework of the Jean Monnet grant programme (module 599815-EPP-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE “Application of EU Business Law in Business Activities in Russia”), which is implemented by professors of the Law Faculty and the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

The report included an analysis of the commercial activities of foreign entrepreneurs in Russia, taking into account the legal barriers and sanctions policy against Russia. The prospects for streamlining commercial and entrepreneurial activities were envisaged taking into account the possible adaptation of European standards to Russian legislation in order to facilitate international commercial cooperation.

In addition, the participants considered the concept of “entrepreneur” in the EU understanding, the differences in running a business in Russia and the European Union, insurance, prospects for the development of Russian business law, taking into account the adaptation of some European standards, protection of foreign investments, problems and prospects for promoting Russia-EU partnerships to support small and mid-sized businesses in Astrakhan Region.

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