Astrakhan State University Helps Master IT Developments in Veterinary Medicine

Astrakhan State University Helps Master IT Developments in Veterinary Medicine

A new advanced training programme “Digital Technologies in Veterinary Medicine” has been approved at ASU. It was developed by Natalia Zakharkina, Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, under the guidance of Acting Head of the department Elena Shcherbakova.

The programme is meant for veterinary medicine specialists and for those involved in the circulation of products of animal origin (storekeepers of the catering system, schools, preschool educational institutions).

The purpose of the new programme is to train students to work in the main information bases currently used (Merkury, Vesta, Tserber, Argus). This will make it possible to form a system of skills in digital production technologies associated with the movement of products of animal origin for the purpose of their safety in veterinary and sanitary terms and the implementation of state veterinary supervision.

The programme is implemented at the Department of Veterinary Medicine. Upon completion of the training course, its participants who have passed the final certification will receive a standard advanced-level certificate of advanced training.

Department of Continuing Education