ASU Master Student Took Part in Baltic Ecosystem Studies

ASU Master Student Took Part in Baltic Ecosystem Studies

Mikhail Gladyshev, a student of Astrakhan State University and an employee of the ASU Shared Knowledge Center of Viable Technologies in Electronics & Robotics, has come back from the 4th international summer school “Sea Coastal Area: Research, Management & Prospects”.

The ASU representative spent two weeks in the Baltic Sea aboard the Academician Sergey Vavilov vessel. As part of the work of the “Floating University” of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, he took part in the study of the state of the Baltic ecosystem and the issues of marine nature management, carried out comprehensive expeditionary studies and attended lectures and master classes, delivered by leading foreign and Russian scientists in the field of marine biology, ecology, hydrology, geology, geochemistry and geophysics.

Almost all the participants of the floating university came with projects focusing on various fields of biology, geography, geology, methods of analysis and other applied topics. Mikhail Gladyshev presented SmelcomRov 200, an underwater remote-controlled unmanned vehicle.

The trip of the employee of Astrakhan State University turned out to be very multidisciplinary and showed what applied tasks can be performed at sea. Thus, the young engineer expanded some areas for himself and saw their significance. He also learned about a few conferences that would touch upon current ways of developing various areas.

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