Top-3 Questions about Accommodation in ASU Dormitories

Top-3 Questions about Accommodation in ASU Dormitories

The educational process at Astrakhan State University starts “offline” in September, 1 with the compliance of all sanitary safety measures. Check-in at the university dormitories will begin on August, 25. We have prepared answers to the most frequent questions of students and applicants about the check-in.

1. Who can apply for accommodation at the dormitory?

The commission for accommodating students at the university dormitories makes a decision on the allocation of accommodation places. Students of the privileged category of citizens (orphans and children left without parental care, persons with disabilities) have the primary right to accommodation at the dormitories. Foreign citizens enrolled within the framework of the federal quota and representatives of the visa-regime countries, in respect of which the university undertakes obligations to ensure their temporary residence, also have the priority right.

All other students can be accommodated upon availability of accommodation places.

2. What documents are required for accommodation at the dormitory?

Before checking-in, the student must provide the Student Accommodation Commission with copies of the passport and the compulsory medical insurance policy. A foreign student submits copies of the passport, all visas (marks of crossing the border), migration card, migration registration at the address of stay (if they live in Russia), as well as a voluntary medical insurance policy.

In addition, the university administration, based on the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor and the epidemiological situation in the region, recommends that all students who have reached the age of 18 and have no contraindications, think about maintaining their health and the health of close ones and get vaccinated, when checking-in at the dormitory. If you have a certificate of vaccination or medical exemption, a copy the document must also be provided.

3. How is the process of students’ checking-in at the dormitory going?

Students arriving from abroad can temporarily live in the quarantine dormitory No.4, located at the address: 26 Kapitanskaya St., Astrakhan. To be accommodated in the quarantine dormitory, a foreign student must send an application by e-mail indicating the date and time of arrival in Astrakhan. A staff member of the Foreign Students Relations Unit will contact them.

To bring the issue of providing a place in the university dormitory for consideration, a student should contact the Territory of Student Initiatives with all the necessary documents: the main building of Astrakhan State University, 20a Tatishchev St., Astrakhan , tel.: 8 (8512) 24-64-35, 8 (8512) 24-64-19.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations