Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa Gives an Open Lecture for ASU Students

Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa Gives an Open Lecture for ASU Students

The Boiling Point Center has hosted a meeting of students of Astrakhan State University with the honorary professor of the university and deputy chairman of the Board of Overseers of the Association of International Students. The participants discussed topical issues of modern education.

The lecture was held in the format of live communication: the students asked questions, and the eminent speaker answered. Thus, the audience learned about the guest’s life in Russia, from his student years to work as a teacher. Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa paid special attention to his graduates, who today are active around the world.

The honorary professor of the university offered students several topics for communication, such as current issues of digital progress, the export of education in the world, robotization of work processes, life and opportunities of foreign students in Russia.

The speaker noted that in student years it is a must to make friends, and this is especially important for foreign students. After all, one can retain this friendship through the years, learn the culture and language of another country. Professor Kotchofa also added that it is impossible to achieve success without love and respect for each other, for the university and, of course, for the Motherland.

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