Aleksey Titov Speaks at Urait Educational Platform Webinar

Aleksey Titov Speaks at Urait Educational Platform Webinar

Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovation & Priority Projects of Astrakhan State University discussed the topic “Hard growing up: how digital maturity is achieved in education” with his colleagues.

The speakers of the event were representatives of the Tyumen Industrial University, Rostov State Economic University, Volgograd State Agrarian University and Lingualeo language learning platform.

The experts discussed the issues of digital maturity in education and science, its key criteria, transformation models, the timeline for achieving the desired result and industrial and regional differences in this area.

Aleksey Titov noted that the digital transformation of universities should be aimed at the needs of the labour market, taking into account its prospects, and only in this case its purpose will be clear.

The vice-rector told his colleagues about the units of Astrakhan State University that are responsible for digital transformation — the Project Office for Digitalization and Online Education, Artificial Intelligence Project Office and Department of Community Development and Promotion of Initiatives. He also noted the importance of hiring students, because today young people have great knowledge in this area.

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