ASU Students Present Their Projects to HSE Experts

ASU Students Present Their Projects to HSE Experts

During their working visit, the delegation of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Higher School of Economics discussed some issues of project work with students of Astrakhan State University.

Students of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University told the experts about projects “School of Parliamentary Journalism”, “Travel Journalism” and “School of Interethnic Journalism”. They also presented a draft of a television program to the guests from HSE.

Dean of the ASU Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture Galina Palatkina, representative of the Faculty of Social Communications Vyacheslav Dryagalov and Dean of the Faculty of Social Communications Olga Oskina spoke about projects that are being developed and implemented by employees and students of the university.

Sergey Kadochnikov, Director of the HSE Branch in St. Petersburg, told the meeting participants how the project work is arranged at HSE and what is done for its successful implementation. The speaker drew attention to the importance of unbiased assessment of the results, which is made by third parties, that is, the very customers, and the learning process should involve as many of them in project activities as possible.

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