2021 Festival of Student Sports Games at Astrakhan State University Is Over

2021 Festival of Student Sports Games at Astrakhan State University Is Over

Representatives of 16 faculties and the ASU College competed in seven sports over the past two weeks.

The festival ended with a spectacular and emotionally charged competition in tug-of-war. The winner in this competition was a representative team of the Faculty of Geology & Geography, Chemical Faculty and Biological Faculty.

A solemn ceremony for the winners and prize awardees took place at the end of the competition.

The first place in the team classification was taken by the Faculty of Physical Training & Sports and the ASU College. The second-place cup was won by the team of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Faculty of Economics and Management. The third prize-winner of the festival is the representative team of the Historical Faculty and the Faculty of Agribusiness, Technology & Veterinary Medicine.

The School of Sports, Physical Development & Healthy Lifestyle congratulates all the teams on their excellent results.

School of Sports, Physical Development & Healthy Lifestyle