Forum for Development of Student Clubs in Southern Federal District Is under Way

Forum for Development of Student Clubs in Southern Federal District Is under Way

On October 12-16, Astrakhan has become a center of the meeting of Southern Federal District activists. The eventful programme of the forum includes a series of master classes on the development of soft skills and the exchange of experience within the framework of Program 2.0.

More than 80 representatives from eight regions — Astrakhan, Volgograd and Rostov regions, Krasnodar Krai, Republic of Kalmykia and Republic of Crimea, as well as Sevastopol and Republic of Adygeya — are taking part in the event.

Activists of the student clubs have already met each other and joined the work of the forum. Young people immersed themselves in the educational programme in three main areas — Event Designer, Community Architecture and Community Drivers.

The students learnt how to organize their first event, how to make the team efficient, how to transfuse the ideas to others and why it is important to become “the best version of oneself”.

The Forum for Development of Student Clubs in Southern Federal District is under way, with plenty of interesting and useful events to be held for the participants.

Directorate for Extracurricular Activities & Student Initiatives Development

Photo: National League of Student Clubs