Lyudmila Baeva Discusses Issues of Environmental Safety and Culture of Black Sea Region with Colleagues

Lyudmila Baeva Discusses Issues of Environmental Safety and Culture of Black Sea Region with Colleagues

The vice-rector for scientific activities of Astrakhan State University took part in international congress "Universities’ Role in Solving Challenging Problems” in Yerevan within the framework of the Black Sea Universities Network.

The congress was held at the American University of Armenia (AUA) and involved online and offline participants from partner universities of Greece, Georgia, Romania, Ukraine, Sweden and other countries.

The central topic for discussion was the role of universities in solving challenging problems of the Black Sea, from environmental issues to the development of education and preservation of cultural heritage.

As part of the event, the participants visited a student hackathon, dedicated to addressing the issue of protecting Lake Sevan from pollution.

Participation in the congress contributed to the exchange of experience between universities and ended with the election of a new chair of the Black Sea Universities Network for the next two-year period — AUA Rector Karin Markides.

Directorate of Research & Innovative Activities