Konstantin Markelov Speaks at 2021 Central Asian Forum for Sustainable Development

Konstantin Markelov Speaks at 2021 Central Asian Forum for Sustainable Development

The rector of ASU has participated in plenary session “Our Way Is in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals” online; the event took place at Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, Bishkek, and the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Moscow, as part of the large conference.

The event participants discussed the food system transformation following the UN Food Systems Summit, as well as international scientific and technical cooperation in the times of artificial intelligence and digital transformation as a basis for sustainable economic development; they determined the degree of person’s spiritual and moral development and physical education as a basis for sustainable development of society, health and well-being of a person. In addition, the participants raised issues related to the sources of income of the population and the widespread eradication of poverty in all its forms, conservation of nature and biodiversity, combating climate change and its consequences, and rational use of natural resources. They also considered the development of rural areas and farming, the current state of agricultural cooperation, the creation of sound infrastructure, transport logistics and many other issues of achieving sustainable development goals.

ASU Rector, Head of the UNESCO Chair “Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Konstantin Markelov shared his thoughts on the global issues under discussion. He noted that now the topic of sustainable development is more relevant than ever, and the implementation of the SDGs in all spheres of the socioeconomic life of society is an important step toward a sustainable future in a changing world.

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