Konstantin Markelov at 2nd Russian-Uzbek Educational Forum: “Ongoing Dialogue Is Important for Successful Cooperation”

Konstantin Markelov at 2nd Russian-Uzbek Educational Forum: “Ongoing Dialogue Is Important for Successful Cooperation”

The rector of Astrakhan State University has moderated session “Key Areas of Russian-Uzbek Cooperation in HR Training: Urgent Tasks & Their Solutions”, held on the sidelines of the 2nd Russian-Uzbek Educational Forum.

The participants exchanged experience of interaction between higher educational institutions of Russia and Uzbekistan. In particular, the speakers talked about the work of university branches, conducting advanced training courses for teachers of Uzbek partner universities, as well as projects to prepare schoolchildren for the final state examination, which will allow to attract as many applicants as possible.

The meeting was moderated by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov and Deputy Director — Executive Director of the Tashkent Branch of the Gubkin National University of Oil and Gas Abdula Magrupov.

All the speakers noted the importance of the relations between Russian and Uzbek universities; in their opinion, holding the forum is a vivid example of cooperation between countries and their mutual enrichment in different spheres of life.

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