Russian and Foreign Historians Discuss Legacy of Peter the Great at ASU

Russian and Foreign Historians Discuss Legacy of Peter the Great at ASU

The 6th international conference “Peter the Great Readings in Astrakhan” is dedicated to the topic “Peter the Great and the Imperial Practices of the Frontier Space”. The traditional scientific event brought together over 100 researchers.

Every year, the scientific event focuses on the most pressing issues that demonstrate the relationship of regional processes with all-Russia and global ones. In 2021, the Peter the Great Readings in Astrakhan are dedicated to the ambiguous role of Peter the Great in the formation of a new, imperial type of State.

The topic of Peter’s progressive foreign policy in the Caspian region in the context of strengthening the role of Russia on the global stage was developed by ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov in his welcoming speech.

The ASU rector drew the attention of the audience to the activities of the younger colleague of Peter the Great — Vasily Tatishchev, which are of importance for Astrakhan Region. Recognizing the importance of his work, Astrakhan State University will make a petition to assign the name of Tatishchev to the university in the year of its 90th anniversary.

The opening ceremony of the conference also included welcoming speeches by ASU Vice Rector for Research Activities Lyudmila Baeva, Dean of the Historical Faculty Elena Timofeeva and Professor of the Department of Foreign History and Regional Studies Sergey Yakushenkov.

Further work of the conference continued within three sessions: “Peter the Great and Imperial Practices”, “Frontier and Empire: General Issues of Regional and National Building” and “Empire: History and Modern Political Context”. Participants of the Caspian International Discussion Club also spoke during the readings.

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