ASU Will Teach Hospitality Management in Lower Volga Intercultural Space

ASU Will Teach Hospitality Management in Lower Volga Intercultural Space

ASU has developed and approved an additional professional training programme within the framework of the project “Pilot Courses in Practice Enterprise to Implement the University-Enterprise Cooperation for the Development of Caspian Area (PICASP)”.

Students of the programme “Management of the Hospitality Industry in the Cross-Cultural Space of the Lower Volga Region” will learn about the features of the leading national business cultures and the main features of national models of organizational management; they will learn how to classify intercultural parameters, use intercultural features of management to make optimal decisions in specific conditions. Participants will also learn how to use behavioral patterns and features inherent in different national cultures when developing and making decisions; they will be able to identify the causes of intercultural conflicts and choose ways and methods of their settlement, taking into account national and intercultural peculiarities, and assess the efficiency of management actions for the development of an organization, taking into account national management models.

The programme leader is Galina Palatkina, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture.

Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Art, Service & Culture