‘Our Task Is to Become the Center of Innovative Development in Southern Russia’: ASU Rector Sums up 2021 Results

‘Our Task Is to Become the Center of Innovative Development in Southern Russia’: ASU Rector Sums up 2021 Results

Konstantin Markelov has made a report at the meeting of the Academic Council of Astrakhan State University, in which he listed the achievements of the university in the past year and outlined new development prospects.

The rector named the inclusion of ASU in the Priority 2030 programme as the main outcome of 2021. Among 106 universities from 46 cities of Russia, Astrakhan State University managed to prove its right to be considered one of the most promising higher education institutions of the country.

Then the ASU rector presented a detailed overview of the university’s work in 2021 in the main areas to the attention of his colleagues.

Konstantin Markelov pointed out the ASU readiness to start implementing the 2 + 2 + 2 training model (basic programme — professionalization — master’s programme) as early as in 2022 and stressed that knowledge of foreign languages ​​should become a trademark of alumni of Astrakhan State University.

As for the 2022 admission campaign, the rector emphasized the need for early support of talented students, getting them acquainted with the ASU faculties and assisting them in career guidance.

Speaking about the serious competitive advantages of ASU in the upcoming admissions campaign, the rector named the merge of the Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the prospects for opening a military training center.

Besides, Konstantin Markelov touched upon the issues of digitalization of the university, modernization of the continuous learning system, prospects for scientific activity, priority areas of educational work, international activities, including with support of Rossotrudnichestvo.

The international scientific forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories” is one of the promising events of this year. Another important event, according to the rector of ASU, will be the International Caspian Festival-Competition of Startup Projects. A demo version of this event took place at Astrakhan State University at the end of last year and brought together more than 50 youth projects.

In the final part of the report, the head of ASU touched upon the issues of infrastructure development, HR policy, information openness of the university and the achievement of the KPIs declared by the university.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations