Aleksey Titov Is an Expert at the 10th Winter School for Teachers

Aleksey Titov Is an Expert at the 10th Winter School for Teachers

The vice-rector for Digitalization, Innovations and Priority Projects of Astrakhan State University took part in the discussion of topic “Human-Centered Digital University: In Search of a Fair Partnership” which is rather relevant for modern education.

Twice a year, the School of Teachers, organized by Urait educational platform, brings together professionals from 85 regions of Russia and a number of neighboring countries. Key methods, practices and tools of digital pedagogy are analyzed during the five days of the online intensive workshop.

Today, ASU Vice-Rector for Digitalization, Innovations and Priority Projects Aleksey Titov was an expert of the panel discussion “Human-Centered Digital University: In Search of a Fair Partnership”, which took place as part of the school first day programme.

Having a conversation with his colleagues, Aleksey Titov noted that an ideal university should indeed be human-centered. However, according to the expert, for this purpose the university should look at the world with the eyes of a person who studies there, while applicants and students, in their turn, should have an idea of ​​what cultural code they fall into.

Answering the moderator’s question about the digital maturity of universities, Aleksey Titov noted that here it is necessary to study the perception of digital transformation by different social groups.

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