ASU Board of Overseers Discusses Strategy for Celebrating University’s 90th Anniversary

ASU Board of Overseers Discusses Strategy for Celebrating University’s 90th Anniversary

On the threshold of the anniversary of Astrakhan State University, the overseers discussed the programme of events planned for the year, and also made a number of proposals to expand international cooperation.

By tradition, Aleksandr Zhilkin, Senior Vice President for the Caspian Region of Eurasia Management LLC and Chairman of the ASU Board of Overseers, moderated the meeting.

Farida Rekesheva, Vice-Rector for Extracurricular and Social Activities, presented the celebration programme which includes more than 100 large-scale educational, scientific and cultural events, publication of collected papers, advertising and information projects.

The key scientific event of the year of the university’s 90th anniversary, implemented within the framework of the Priority 2030 strategic development program, will be the international forum “Caspian Region 2022: Sustainable Development Trajectories”.

In addition, several interesting media projects are going to be implemented within the framework of the anniversary of Astrakhan State University.

The overseers also considered the issue of promoting the educational and research products of the university in the Russian and foreign communities.

At the end of the meeting, Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs and Finance of Astrakhan State University Ruslan Khusainov presented information about the state of the university’s endowment fund and plans to increase its income. In their turn, the members of the Board of Overseers noted the importance of the proposals and expressed their desire to take an active part in all the events of ASU.

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