NTV Channel Will Show Astrakhan State University to Its Viewers

NTV Channel Will Show Astrakhan State University to Its Viewers

Our university is one of the participants in the project “My Universities. The Future Belongs to the Present” which tells about the best educational institutions of the country. TV filming, which is already taking place at ASU, is carried out by STORY Lab by order of the National Priorities autonomous non-profit organization.

In the cycle of the My Universities programme, representatives of two generations — teenagers and adults — travel around the country, visit Russian universities and show their achievements. Thus, they prove that it is possible to get a good education not only in the capital. The hosts meet with the most outstanding students, learn everything about the educational process, social and cultural activities, and, together with teachers and students, study the traditions and values ​​of the university. The first ten issues of the project were released in 2021.

We will see Astrakhan State University on the air of the NTV channel as early as on April 8, so don’t miss it.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations